Monday, June 25, 2012

Girls in White Dresses

Today I finished the book Girls in White Dresses. At the library last week I was browsing in my own little world and I had already picked out 3 other books when I found this one on the NEW BOOKS shelf. I thought the cover was cute and the title was intresting to I quickly grabbed it, read the summary and went to the checkout area. I was excited to read it and got to it right when I got home. It is the hilarious story of a group of college girls who realize that everyone around them is getting married. The way the characters interact with each other is awesomly played out. It kind of reminded me of myself and my friends. People seem to be getting engaged or married a lot earlier in their lives these days and recently a number of people from my town have done this. Just something to get used to as you get older! Anyways, if you need a luagh this book will give you a chuckle or two!...I think I am even going to look into others by this author..

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